
Transnationalizing Modern Languages. Mobility, Identity and Translation in Modern Italian Cultures

Altreitalie is partner of the ‘Transnationalizing Modern Languages’ project which investigates cultural exchange within communities and individuals across time and space.



The project explores a series of critical instances of linguistic and cultural translation with a specific focus on modern Italy and the experiences of mobility that are embedded in its recent history. The Italian case is used as a template from which to develop a renewed model for the work of Modern Language studies and its applications in the 21st century. More broadly, the research offers insights into how people respond to living in a bilingual or multilingual environment.

The project is one of three large grants in the AHRC’s ‘Translating Cultures’ theme.


Go to the Transnationalizing Modern Languages website


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Centro Altreitalie, Globus et Locus - Via Principe Amedeo 34 - 10123 Torino (Italy) Tel. 39 0116688200 E. segreteria@altreitalie.it - info@globusetlocus.org