
The Francesco Durante Award: Submissions Accepted for 2023

Francesco Durante Award for Italian American History/Literature
To honor the legacy of the late Francesco Durante, an annual prize of $1,000 was established to be awarded for the best original essay in English or Italian submitted by an emergent scholar of Italian American literature, history, and/or culture either from Italy or from the United States. 

The essay should be analytical in nature of a written work of literature or of a historical figure and/or phenomenon within the Italian American community from 1880 through 1943; it should not exceed 7,500 words (notes and bibliography included). The committee will consider essays published within the time span 2021–2022 and unpublished ones up to the deadline for submission, see below.

The creative writer or historical figure chosen should be someone who has composed a body of imaginative or historical literature in Italian reflecting life in the Italian American or within the larger American community and some of whose work is most likely reflected or referenced in volume 2 of Francesco Durante’s monumental Italoamericana: storia e letteratura degli Italiani negli Stati Uniti 18801943 (Mondadori, 2005, or its English translation published by Fordham University Press in 2014). Ideal candidates as object of study for such an essay may include, but are not limited to, Bernardino Ciambelli, Dora Colonna, Riccardo Cordiferro, Virgilia D’Andrea, Arturo Giovannitti, Menotti Pellegrino, Caterina Maria Avella, Armando Borghi, Italo Stanco, Luigi Galleani, Bellalma Forzato-Spezia, Ludovico Caminita, and Paolo Pallavicini; less well-known writers may also be the subject of the essay. 

Submissions are due no later than January 31, 2023; candidates should plan to be available to receive their award and speak at a conference in New York City at the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute on a date sometime in the middle of 2023. 

Submissions are limited to advanced doctoral students and those with the doctorate up to five years after receipt of the degree.

All inquiries and final submissions should be sent to the following email address: calandra@qc.cuny.edu.

Panel of Judges: Marcella Bencivenni, Victoria de Grazia, Fred Gardaphé,Martino Marazzi, James Periconi, Stanislao Pugliese, Joseph Sciorra, Anthony Tamburri

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