
MIGRATING MEMORIES – 29th annual AEMI meeting

The 29th annual AEMI meeting takes place from 2 to 5 october 2019 in the Red Star Line Museum. Theme of the conference is 'Migrating Memories - Dialogues on the relationship between memory, heritage and migration'.

Amongst heritage professionals and policymakers there is a growing awareness that culture and cultural heritage can be employed to meet the challenges of integrating migrants and refugees into society by means of participation. Through participative initiatives and encouraging active involvement from all social groups, integration can be understood as a process of mutual understanding of each other’s past and present, culture and environment. More and more research and heritage institutions take up a role in safeguarding ‘migrating’ memories and cultural heritage.

The conference is designed to encourage provocative dialogue across the fullest range of disciplines and institutions. During the conference there will be a mix of presentations: papers, poster presentations, discussions and workshops. 


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