
Massachusetts Historical Society Short-term Fellowships for 2013-2014

The application deadline for the Massachusetts Historical Society
Short-term Fellowships for 2013-2014 is March 1, 2013. Approximately twenty
grants will be made. These awards carry a stipend of $1,500-$2,500 to
support four weeks of research at the Massachusetts Historical Society
sometime between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2014.


Manuscripts form the heart of the collections at the MHS, founded in 1791.
The Society houses more than 12 million pieces in 3,600 separate
collections of personal papers and institutional records. The Society's
collections also include several hundred thousand books, more than 10,000
broadsides, 30,000 18th- and 19th-century pamphlets, 2,500 maps, and
120,000 photographs.

Short-term awards are open to independent scholars, advanced graduate
students, and holders of the Ph.D. or the equivalent, with candidates who
live fifty or more miles from Boston receiving preference. Applicants who
do not reside in the U.S. must indicate their citizenship. Applicants must
be U.S. citizens or already hold the J-1 visa or equivalent documents that
will allow them to accept the stipend.

For more information, visit
https://www.masshist.org/research/fellowships/or email
fellowships@masshist.org<mailto:fellowships@masshist.org> or 617-646-0568.

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