
L'immigration dans les musées, une comparaison internationale.

The magazine Hommes & Migrations, a magazine of social sciences specialized in the migratory dynamics, is the reflection tool about the contemporary questions related to the immigration of the Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration.

Within the framework of its editorial program of 2011, the magazine published at the end of the past year a survey of a problem directly in connection with your missions: the immigration phenomenon in museums, an international comparison.

Ramon Grosfoguel, professeur au Département of Ethnic Studies de UC-Berkeley, Alexandra Poli, chargée de recherche Cnrs, Cadis (Ehess) et Yvon Le Bot, Marie Curie Fellow, Warwick University/European Community (FP7)

With a large panel of various experiences, this issue is providing very stimulating elements for thought on the ways that museums are taking in order to deal with the subject of immigration. When each museum gives a specific history of migrations with its own interpretation, this international comparison of different museum projects is underlying how their approaches are depending also on  national narratives and  cultural models.

We draw your attention to the possibility of conferring the articles summaries about this topic, which have been coordinated by a European research team, on the website:


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