
VIDEO: "Captivity and Social Justice in Modern Italian Culture"

International Conference
26-27 February 2021
University Of Rochester – York University
Organizers: Elena Bellina (University of Rochester), Matteo Brera (York University)

Imprisonment has traditionally been a contested topic and, in the Italian context, the field of Captivity Studies has recently emerged in response to the need of questioning the impact of a variety of forms of imprisonment on the national memory and identity in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Thus, the Italian case is an extremely fruitful testbed to evaluate to what extent the transformations undergone throughout the last century by culturally relevant forms of imprisonment shaped public discourse and were represented in trans-medial context. Bringing together scholars engaged with the theme of captivity across different research areas in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, this conference aims to be a forum for discussing how trans-medial fictional and non-fictional representations of captivity (including e.g. fascist political confinement, WWII internment, political abductions, ransom kidnappings, penitentiaries, asylums and refugee camps), shaped – and shape – public opinion and the legislator, thus helping redefine the genre of testimony within the Italian criminological, literary and philosophical traditions.
On the second day the topic is the captivity of the body and the captivity of the mind through italian narratives, the captivity in ransom kidnapping and the "Third zone" of captivity: Primo Levi and Guido Morselli's writings. Finally, a debate on captivity, borders and races takes place.

Click here for the Conference's video on February the 27th:

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