
Call for Papers: New York Cold War Seminar

New York University’s Center for the United States and the Cold War invites New York metropolitan area based scholars to submit proposals to present at the Center’s seminar series. The Cold War seminar is a venue for work in progress. The seminar is interdisciplinary and international in scope. 

All papers are pre-circulated.

They  are interested in projects that explore the ways in which the ideological and geopolitical conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States affected politics, culture, and society throughout the world. Proposals that focus on the impact of the Cold War on political economy, the national security state, civil rights, civil liberties, labor relations, and gender relations are welcomed, as are projects that that see the central issue as U.S., Soviet, and European response to revolutionary nationalism and decolonization.

The Center is a joint project of Faculty of Arts and Science and the Tamiment Library, a special collection at NYU documenting the history of Labor and the Left . 

The Center will reimburse presenters’ travel expenses. However, due to budget cutbacks we cannot offer hotel accommodations. We can offer a modest honorarium.

Please submit a one-page abstract and current CV by June 1st to Zuzanna Kobrzynski at zk3@nyu.edu

Visit the website of the Center for the United States and the Cold War

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