
Call for Papers AEMI

The Swedish American Center is delighted to invite speakers for the AEMI 2013 annual conference. The theme for the conference, which reflects important issues that are discussed throughout Europe, is:  Where we belong – Borders, ethnicity and identity. Papers should be sent no later than June 26, 2013.


They invite papers reflecting the theme especially emphasizing:

1. Ethnic identity among second and third generation immigrants

2. Including diversity : National self-images in a multicultural society

3. Transnational ethnic groups – national identity ?

4. Migration research : Theory, terminology and methodology

For theme 1, 2 & 3, they are particularly interested in the influence and function of migration institutions – past, present and future.

Please send papers no later than June 26, 2013 to mathias.nilsson[a]swedenamerica.se

Download the Call for Papers

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