
Call for Paper

45th Annual Conference of the Italian American Studies Association
(formerly the American Italian Historical Association)
in collaboration with Hofstra University
Hempstead, New York
November 29th-December 1st, 2012

E Pluribus: What is Italian America?

The Italian American Studies Association seeks one-page panel, roundtable and individual presentation proposals, from scholars, writers, artists and other thinkers across the disciplines. IASA suggests the following possible topics, but welcomes proposals on all facets of Italian American life:

•Where is Italian America?
•Who is an Italian American?
•What is the difference between an Italian American and an Italian?
•When do Italian Americans cease to exist?
•Why do we need Italian American Studies?

•Where is Italian American culture?
•Who lives in Italian America?
•What’s in an Italian name?
•When are we Italian / American?
•Why do Italian Americans do what they do?
•How many Italian America(n)s are there? and How do we know them?

Please email proposals as Word-compatible file attachments (using the form below) to
Conference Co-Chairs
Stanislao Pugliese
and George Guida

In the subject line, please write: “IASA Hofstra Proposal.”  Confirmation of proposals will be by email.  Those not having access to email should send proposals to
Dr. Stanislao Pugliese, IASA Conference Chair
Dept. of History, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549

Proposals for individual presentations should have titles and be no more than 300 words in length. Proposals for panels and roundtables should include titles and be no more than 500 words in length, should include a brief biography of each presenter and participant with his/her affiliation, address, telephone number and email address and should be typed on the form accompanying this call.

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