
Call for Papers-14th AEMI Conference

European migrant diasporas and cultural identities 

Santiago de Compostela, Galicia (Spain) 

September 28-October 1, 2016 

The Association of European Migration Institutions (AEMI) together with its local partner organization Arquivo da Emigración Galega – Consello da Cultura Galega announces a call for papers for the annual AEMI conference which will be held in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia (Spain) from September 28 to October 1 2016. 



The theme of the 2016 AEMI conference is European migrant diasporas and cultural identities. Since AEMI members come from various fields and are interested in different aspects of migration, the papers could cover a wide range of both historical questions and contemporary issues related to diasporas and cultural identities in migration processes (European migrations and cultural identities outside Europe, immigrant cultural identities in Europe, local identities: diasporas and the home country); migrant networks, associations and the reproduction of cultural identities; dilemmas of assimilation and acculturation in migration processes; mobilization of migrant communities; migration studies and identity issues; migration center and their contribution to multiculturalism; how AEMI institutions respond to migrations crisis in Europe; connecting migrations and languages; refugee crisis, the discussion on Shengen and its effects on EU members’ intraeuropean migrations. 

In order to apply, please provide a paper abstract (in English) with no more than 300 words and a brief biographic summary of no more than 200 words. The selection of papers will be done based on their thematic significance and academic quality. 

DEADLINE: April 30 2016 

Applications should be mailed at: 


e-mail: aemi2016@consellodacultura.gal

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