
CALL FOR PAPERS: CSIS Annual Conference

11-13 May 2018
The University of Ottawa -- Ottawa, Ontario

The Canadian Society for Italian Studies Annual Conference is now accepting session and roundtable proposals for the joint conference that will take place from May 11th to May 13th at the University of Ottawa. 

Please follow us here:
Twitter: @CSISitalianists
Facebook page: CSIS in Ottawa 2018 Email: italian.studies.canada@gmail.com


11-13 May 2018, University of Ottawa

We invite session and paper proposals for the 2018 CSIS conference that will be held at the University of Ottawa on May 11-13, 2018. The deadline for session proposals is January 31, 2018. In order to propose a session, please fill out the session proposal form and submit it to the conference organizers Cristina Perissinotto (University of Ottawa) and Cristina Caracchini (University of Western Ontario) at the official CSIS email address: italian.studies.canada@gmail.com. Session proposals will be made public on the CSIS website in the order they are received.

Proposals for individual papers should be sent directly to the session organizers using the paper proposal form. If you would like to propose a paper that cannot be housed in any of the planned panels, please submit the form directly to the conference organizers at this email address: italian.studies.canada@gmail.com.

Session organizers must consider all the proposals received up to the deadline of February 15, 2018. The announcement that a panel is closed can only be made after that date. Once the deadline has passed, all session organizers will send the paper proposal forms for their session to the conference organizers to this address: italian.studies.canada@gmail.com.

The Society’s rules allow members to present only one paper at the annual conference. Normally, members will not present a paper in the sessions they also chair. However, members are allowed to chair more than one session.

Please be reminded that if you submit a paper proposal to more than one session, you should notify all the organizers to whom you have made a submission. If you fail to notify the session organizers, they will have the right to decide between themselves in which session the paper will be presented or if the paper will be excluded.

All participants must be members in good standing of CSIS. Membership must be current by April 15, 2018, in order for the member’s name to appear in the program and for the member to be allowed to present his/her work at the 2016 CSIS conference.

The Conference Registration will open in February 2018. The cost will be: $45(CAD) for graduate students, retired members, and PhDs without full time employment. Registration will be $90(CAD) for all other delegates.

For the Organizing Team
Cristina Perissinotto (cperissi@uottawa.ca) and Cristina Caracchini (ccaracch@uwo.ca) 

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