
AEMI Conference Turin: Europe and Migrations in the 3rd Millennium, Turin, September 23-26 2015

It has been a pleasure to have the AEMI members and participants at the 25th AEMI Conference. Thanks to them, we had a very successful meeting! The conference has covered a wide range of historical and contemporary issues: Identity; Intra European migrations or mobilities in times of crisis; Migrants’bread (in many cultures bread, and food, best symbolizes migrants cultural heritage); Migration policies; migration studies; centers’best practices.COMUNICATO STAMPA

The conference has covered a wide range of historical and contemporary issues: Identity (Glocal identities: diasporas and the home country; Intra European migrations and European Identity); migrations or mobilities in times of crisis; Migrants’bread (in many cultures bread, and food, best symbolizes migrants cultural heritage); Migration policies; migration studies; centers’best practices. 

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Please note that the Conference is a limited-seating event requiring advanced registration. To registrate please send an e-mail to segreteria@altreitalie.it.

Il convegno è aperto al pubblico. Dato il numero limitato di posti, si consiglia tuttavia di registrare la propria partecipazione inviando un e-mail a segreteria@altreitalie.it.

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Centro Altreitalie, Globus et Locus - Via Principe Amedeo 34 - 10123 Torino (Italy) Tel. 39 0116688200 E. segreteria@altreitalie.it - info@globusetlocus.org