
Call for Papers: "The Traces We Leave: Italian Canadians and Their Works"

The Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Turin will be hosting the 18th Biennial Conference of the Association of Italian Canadian Writers (AICW), October  8-9 , 2020. The organizers invite abstracts for academic papers and proposals for literary readings and artistic performances.

© Photo by Vincenzo Pietropaolo: “Part of a Mural in Letino, Campania”

Writers and artists, academics and researchers from all disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals to present new work in Italian, English or French. Graduate students and emerging writers/artists are encouraged to participate.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Re-tracing tradition in contemporary texts
  • Writing and transmitting literary, cultural and linguistic memory
  • Representations of place, space, and (dis)location
  • Trajectories, the Italian diaspora and globalization
  • New traces in cinema, photography, and in the new media (DH)
  • Culinary culture and literature
  • Representations of queerness
  • Translation and self-translation
  • Innovation, renovation, the Italians in Canada
  • Environment (EH), city planning, architecture, museums, fine arts

For academic papers (20 minutes), please send a 200-word abstract and biographical information (60 words). For panels of two or three papers (20 minutes each), send max. 200-word abstract for each paper as well as bio (60 words) for each presenter and contact information for all panelists. Preference will be given to papers that discuss new works.

For literary readings of 15 minutes, please send a 200-word excerpt of the text to be read (or four poems) along with biographical information (60 words). Preference will be given to readings and performances of new works.

Please NOTE that the organizers may request additional details after an abstract/proposal has been submitted.

Deadline: December 30, 2019. Acceptance will be sent by January 31, 2020. Once a proposal has been accepted, a fee of $100.00 will be requested for presenters who are not full members of the AICW in good standing. And the University of Torino may request a registration fee. Please send proposals and queries to carmen.concilio@unito.it and lcanton@accenti.ca or to


Carmen Concilio



AICW: Pres. Maria Cristina Seccia, Domenic Beneventi, Licia Canton  



Visit http://aicw.ca/ to find out more about the Association of Italian Canadian Writers (AICW).



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Centro Altreitalie, Globus et Locus - Via Principe Amedeo 34 - 10123 Torino (Italy) Tel. 39 0116688200 E. segreteria@altreitalie.it - info@globusetlocus.org