
Call for Application. nccr – on the move

University of Neuchâtel
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, SFM Assistant Professor full time (100%) in Migration Policy Analysis 

Activities: Applicants should demonstrate excellent teaching skills and highlevel research, and be willing to actively participate in Faculty affairs. They also should have an interest for social issues in a broad sense, and for issues related to migration, citizenship and mobility in particular. The successful candidate’s research shall contribute to the University’s National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) “On the Move – The Migration-Mobility Nexus”. Research orientation and research interests should be compatible with and complementary with regard to the SFM and the NCCR professors of the University of Neuchatel.

Possible fields of specialization (indicative list): sociology of migration, politics of migration, political sociology, public policy analysis, public administration, citizenship studies, ethnic studies.
Application procedure: Candidates must have a PhD. Applications should be uploaded as one single pdf document (in addition to the below-mentioned publications) on the website unine.ch/candis (ref. FLSH-PolMigr) by 22 August 2015. The application dossier should include a letter of motivation, a detailed curriculum vitae describing teaching and research experiences, copies of the PhD and highest preceding diploma, a publication list, and a statement of the scientific vision of the domain and the activities that the applicant wishes to develop as assistant professor. Candidates are requested to submit three of their publications in pdf format. Candidates are also requested to ask three of their referees to send their letter of recommendation directly to the president of the recruiting committee, Prof. Gianni D’Amato gianni.damato@unine.ch, also by 22 August 2015.
Starting date of position: 1 February 2016 or upon agreement.


Information: Further information can be obtained on the web at nccr-onthemove.ch and unine.ch/sfm/page-10693.html or from the president of the recruiting committee.

The University of Neuchatel is an equal opportunity employer.

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