

Papers' summaries 

Ferruccio Pastore, Fieri, Turin, IT

The crisis of the European migration regime: how we got here and which ways forward?


Maslowski Solange, Center for Comparative Law of the Faculty of law of Charles University in Prague, CZ

Expulsion of European Union citizens from their host member state


Laura, Bartolini, European University Institute, Florence, IT

Drivers of highly-skilled emigration from Southern Europe in time of crisis


Stella Capuano, Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, DE

Silvia Migali, University of Aarhus, DK

The migration of professionals within the EU: any barriers left? Migration, institutions and business cycle: evidence from the internal EU mobility


Donatella Greco, University of Trieste, IT

New migration routes: mobility and self-perception of young Italians abroad


Emilia García López, Head of Foreign Affairs of the Council for Galician Culture, Santiago de Compostela, ES

New mobilities of migration in Galicia  (2010-2014)


Domenico Gabrielli, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, National Institute of Statistics, Rome, IT

The emigration of Italian citizens in the 2000s: a special focus on the United Kingdom


Daniele Valisena, University of Modena, IT

From migrations to new mobilities in the European Union transnational space. Italians in Berlin between anomie and multi-situated identity


Francesca Mazzuzzi, University of Cagliari, IT

Beyond the numbers: socio-cultural backgrounds and expectations of the new Sardinian (e)migrants in the time of the crisis


Federica Moretti, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE

Old and new Italian migrations in Belgium


Suzana Cascao, University of Rome, IT

“Ethnic media”: The role of the leading Portuguese-speaking newspaper (“Contacto”) in Luxembourg - towards a community’s empowerment, integration and political involvement.


Margherita Di Salvo, Tuscia University, Viterbo, IT

From Italy to England and back between histories, identities and languages


Carlo Stiaccini (cisei), Andrea Torre (Centro Studi medi’),  cisei, Genova, IT

Mobility in Genoa during economy crises: from history to present times


Maria M. Berglund, Swedish Migration Center, Karlstad, SE

Father in New Fatherland, Mother in New Mother soil. Depictions of Migranthood and Parenthood in Swedish Fiction 2004–2014


Janja Žitnik Serafin, Slovenian Migration Institute, Ljubljana, SI

Care for diasporic communities: the case of a bilateral agreement between Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina


Maria Beatriz Rocha-Trindade, Centro de Estudos das Migrações e das Relações Interculturais/ CEMRI, Universidade Aberta/ UAb, Lisboa, PT

Bonding the Portuguese diaspora: secular, religious and leisure catalysts politics and practices


Knut Djupedal, Director of the Norwegian Emigrant Museum, Ottestad, NO

Gunnar Nergaard and the Mummies of Chui-Chui


Elisa Gosso, University of Turin

Crossing Boundaries: Negotiating transnational heritage and belonging in the German Waldensian diaspora


Brian Lambkin, Mellon Centre for Migration Studies, Ulster American Folk Park, Omagh, UK

The Irish National Diaspora Centre


Triantafillia Kourtoumi, General State Archives of Greece, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, GR

Filling the gaps in the archival sector: Current gender migration in an oral history case study


Margaret Hills de Zárate, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UK, Loredana Polezzi, University of Warwick, UK, Marco Santello, University of Warwick, UK

Transnational Italian Networks and Transnational Italian Studies


Paul Pauseback, Nordfriisk Instituut, Bredstedt, DE

Making Europe Bottom Up: Schleswig-Holstein and the Region of North-Frisia (Title tbc)


Sarah Clément, Génériques, Paris, FR

European Citizenship through European migration history


Maria Luisa Caldognetto, Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaine, Dudelange, LU  

Food traditions amongst italian migrants in Luxembourg, between the need to be faithful to the past and new future challenges


Nonja Peters, Curtin University & University of Western Sydney, AU

Developing a Sustainable Model in Mutual Cultural Digital Heritage


Comunicato Stampa

Europe and Migrations in the 3rd Millennium

L’Europa in crisi per le migrazioni

Scarica il Comunicato

Conference Program

Europe and Migrations in the 3rd Millenium


Papers' summaries 


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For full conference from Wednesday, September 23, 2015 to Saturday, September 26, 2015. For those who wish to participate to the conference social events and are not AEMI members or speakers.

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