The paper is intended to fit to the guidelines set for the AEMI Research project “Making Europe Bottom Up: European migratory history (1800-2010) initiated at the meeting in Krakau 2012 (see: So it is about migration to from and within the region of North-Frisia as well as Schleswig-Holstein, the German Federal State in which North-Frisia is located. The Paper derives from the work I am doing this summer term with a group of students at the department of history at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel. We have so far agreed on four items to concentrate on:
- Emigration overseas in the 19th century,
- Refugees after World War II, coming mainly from the eastern parts of Germany,
- so called “Guest Workers”, since the end of the 1950ties,
- and the recent numbers and situation of immigrants and refugees.
We are now (June 1st) just in the middle of the term and I am looking forward telling you in September about our findings, results and no doubt problems too.