
I libri di Altreitalie



Zagarrio, Vito, The “Un-happy ending”. Re-viewing the cinema of Frank Capra, New York, Bordighera Press, 2011, pp. 214, $ 18.

Zagonel, Carlo Albino (a cura di), Capuchinos no Brasil, Porto Alegre, Est, 2001, pp. 383.

Zanchi, Armando, Il giro della vita. Storia esemplare di un individuo flessibile, Milano, Edizioni Unicopli, 2001, pp. 170, € 12,91.

Zanetti Polzi, Paolo, Lavoro Straniero, Cgil e questione migratoria dal 1945 ad oggi, Milano, Archivio del lavoro, 2006, pp. 255, €18.

Zanfrini, Laura, Sociologia delle migrazioni, Roma, Bari, Editori Laterza, 2004, pp. xvii, 214, € 19.

Zanfrini, Laura, Sociologia delle migrazioni, Roma, Edizioni Laterza, 2007, pp. 268, € 20.

Zanoni, Elizabeth, Migrant Marketplaces. Food and Italians in North and South America, Urbana, Chicago e Springfield, University of Illinois Press, pp. xii-275

Zarucco, Massimo (foto), Messico Trentino, testi di Renzo Tommasi, Trento, Valentina Trentini Editore, 2007, pp. 278, € 57.

Ziehler, Nancy L. (ed), Italian-Americana Students in New York City, 1975-2000, New York, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, 2011, pp. 310.

Zimmerman, Diana et. al., A Directory of International Migration, Study Centers, Research Programs and Library Resources, New York, Cms, 1987, pp. 299.

Zimmerman, Diana, Guide to the Archives, Vol. vii: Papers of Congressman Victor Anfuso, Mayor Alex Pisciotta, Musicians Anna Carbone LaPedula and Giovanni Battista Fontana, and the Records of the Italian-American Institute to Foster Higher Education, Cuny, New York, Cms, 1989, pp. 32.

Zizzamia, Alba, Vision Unfolding: The Scalabrinians in North America, 1888-1988, New York, Cms, 1989, pp. 150.

Zucchi, John E., Italians in Toronto. Development of a National Identity, 1875-1935, Kingston-Toronto, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1988, pp. 255 (Giovanni Pizzorusso, 2).

Zucchi, John E., The Little Slaves of the Harp, Italian Child Street Musicians in Nineteenth-Century Paris, London and New York, Montreal e Kingston, London, Buffalo, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1992, pp. 208 (Patrizia Audenino, 9).

Zweig, Robert, Return to Naples: my Italian Bar Mitzvah and other discoveries, New York, Bordighera Press, pp. 213.

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